Arts & Culture

Perch Lake Morning by Bob Lyksett

What’s my inspiration behind this photograph? I crave situations where the lighting can change dramatically during a shooting session. The combination of early morning light and fog always present a challenge because both change so fast and independently!

If your decorating habits are anything like mine, you have hundreds of paint samples in kitchen drawers for paint projects you’ve been intending to do forever; you might have well-worn living room curtains that you’ve been meaning to replace, but just haven’t gotten around to it.

If you’ve bought or sold a home in the past decade or two, you might be familiar with the concept of staging—preparing a residence for sale in the real estate market, which might include placement of furniture or other changes to interior and exterior décor.

Once you hear of it, it’s hard to stop thinking about: a long weekend away with your craftiest girlfriends, uninterrupted time and excellent lighting, and plenty of tabletop space to spread out and really tackle your choice.

To capture this photo, camera club member Mike Chrun “painted” the trees in the foreground with light from a flashlight, while fellow member Gary Noren took the photo with a 30-second exposure.

Hudson High School senior Chase Blackmun has a lot he can hang his hat on, including—but not limited to—his involvement as a varsity athlete and captain for both hockey and soccer, membership in the National Honor Society, competitive math team membership and a top academic ranking in his class.

For local parenting consultant and author Jenny Hanlon, raising a child and writing a book have a common thread: Both are processes of discovery that require patience, openness and a solid set of guiding values for when the going gets tough.

Pop in on a Stillwater Rotary meeting, and you’ll frequently hear from a guest speaker or two.

Power-sports enthusiasts gather from around the country and the world to attend the Hay Days festival every year, but the spectacle will be even greater this time for the 50th anniversary.

Go to college to be in the rodeo. That’s right: In addition to working toward their four-year degrees, every year at the University of Wisconsin–River Falls Falcon Frontier Days Rodeo, more than 300 college students participate in professional rodeo performances.
