To capture this photo, camera club member Mike Chrun “painted” the trees in the foreground with light from a flashlight, while fellow member Gary Noren took the photo with a 30-second exposure.
Living in the Valley means beautiful landscapes, enchanting small towns and abundant wildlife. The St. Croix Valley Camera Club has been taking advantage of these photo opportunities for the past three years.
Photographers of all levels generally meet on the last Monday of every month at the Chisago Lakes Public Library for photo critiques and presentations by club members or other photographers. Club president Mike Chrun says it is a great way for people to receive feedback. “You can learn a lot about your photography when others take a look at it,” Chrun says.
The camera club offers many opportunities to learn about cameras, macrophotography, night photography, and Photoshop and other digital editing programs. Members also enjoy shooting in state parks, the Cities, landscapes, wildlife and occasionally the northern lights, all while learning from each other and developing their skills. “The club gets you to try new things and take different shots,” Chrun says.
Membership in St. Croix Valley Camera Club costs $15 for the year. Check the website for more information and upcoming events.