
Twin Cities Cold Thermogenesis Group

Take the (Cold) Plunge: Benefits of Cold Water Plunging. Dip into the freezing water this winter.

Megan Polley is Stillwater’s go-to pet sitter, a profession she crafted from her passion for animals, and now 10 years later she continues to provide support for local families’ four-legged friends.

After hard workouts and stressful holiday prep, join Angela Rucinski at Stillwater’s BodyOnyx for a sports therapy or heated stone massage.

Pamper your pooches this holiday season and make sure you know all of the tricks for keeping your pets healthy during the winter.

Summer’s nary a blip in the rear-view mirror, and there are dry, wind-blown months of winter stretching before us. Add the holiday season and its sweet treats, and that stress can do a number on your skin.

Moon River Wellness herbalist Kali Higgins believes in the healing potential of nature.

Scenario: The stress or monotony of everyday life has gotten to you. Maybe the kids recently moved on to college. Or, sadly, you might recently have lost a pet. Regardless the cause, the St. Croix Valley has numerous pet services available, whether you want to volunteer or adopt your own.

For those of us who might have considered acupuncture but found we weren’t sure enough about how it works, or how its practitioners are trained, or what a session might actually feel like, St. Croix Valley Magazine has some points to ponder.

Bayport resident Tom Darrow knows the name of his company is ridiculous. But that is the point.

James Standefer didn’t set out to be a globetrotting do-gooder. “My father was a family doctor in the country,” he says. “I always wanted to do that.”

On April 22, Earth Day events will be held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It’s a fitting time to catch up with Kristin Klemetsrud, project lead for the Main Street Stillwater Independent Business Association’s S.E.E.D.
