Many women dream of opening their own business. Few imagine it and open a brick-and-mortar store in less than 45 days. Natalie Krause and Autumn Hill, both mothers of three young children, each with a thriving handmade maker business, did just that in summer 2022.

Offering a variety of all-natural household products, services and coaching, Stillwater-based ToxyFree is a one-stop-shop to igniting a life of health and happiness, while living toxin-free and more naturally.

Chris Pomeleo created something truly special with Prohibition Barbers in Stillwater, Minn. where he is owner and master barber.

An organic idea born in 2020 blossoms into a growing celebration business for a Hudson mother/daughter team. Founders of Dot & Daisy, Jen Driscoll and Jordan Stewart, are creative by nature.

After 16 years of doing business in downtown Stillwater, Monde Salon has moved to a new location in Oak Park Heights near Kowalski’s Market.
ModernRoots in Stillwater can help get any fall enthusiast prepped for their favorite season.

Rose Mille in Stillwater long has been a destination for vintage papers and trims, crafting supplies and—truly—a little bit of this and that and everything in between.
When Sandee Madigan, longtime owner of Hudson’s Dilly Dally in the Alley, decided to retire last year, Jenny Gunsallus saw an opportunity. “I always knew I wanted to own my own business,” says Gunsallus, who took over the eclectic gift store in January.

You might like vintage items. You might like beautiful things. Or you might like classic objects inherited from Grandma that are, well, kind of ugly. Whatever your preference, three shops in the St.