Offering a variety of all-natural household products, services and coaching, Stillwater-based ToxyFree is a one-stop-shop to igniting a life of health and happiness, while living toxin-free and more naturally. Emphasizing that natural living can be attainable, owner Laura Paulisich says, “You’re not changing your life; you’re just making it a shift to have your same life but better. You’re still doing everything, you’re still enjoying everything, you still have your same style, but you’re just shifting it to the most natural version possible.”
What started with a desire to eat clean, soon unintentionally blossomed into the lifestyle she embraces today. Initially learning that her body would always feel hungry until it got the nutrients that it needed, Paulisich set off to find an obtainable solution to fueling her body. As one who did not have much experience with cooking and struggled to find ingredients that tasted good, she began to research how she could get whole foods that were also free from any excess chemicals.
When she discovered more wholesome ingredients, she also wanted to find ways to prepare these valuable foods in cookware—pots, pans, bowls and utensils—without toxins. Starting with basic research on the companies themselves, Paulisich says she found many businesses didn’t know about the process and materials used to produce their own products. “If [the companies] don’t include a description of their process, it is 99 percent not worth your time to pursue it,” she says. “Those that are more diligent [about] what is happening and are more natural with their products will tell the long process that it took in detail.”
Recognizing that many of her cooking tools contained harmful chemicals, Paulisich began to wonder what other items in her day-to-day life carried the same concern. She branched into other realms like skincare, sleep, clothing, shoes and hygiene. Through her research, she was shocked to find that many of the items we don’t think twice about using were of biggest concern.
Everyday items in our homes and materials, such as televisions, computers, carpet, rugs and mattresses, are all considered toxic waste once you dispose of them.
Drying synthetic clothing in the dryer can potentially increase the spread of micro plastics. What doesn’t wash out in the rinse cycle or isn’t captured by the lint filter in the dryer is otherwise filtered through the dryer vent into the air outside your home. Accumulating overtime, these plastics and fibers become a part of the natural environment and can eventually land on our dinner table in our drinking water and food.
One would think that flowers would be a natural way to decorate your home, but with about 80 percent of flowers in the U.S. transported from other countries, Paulisich says most suppliers will spray the plants with chemicals to preserve optimal freshness. Even more shocking, she discovered some vendors at local farmers markets did this as well.
Happy and Healthy
After discovering all of this information, Paulisich felt inclined to share it with others to make their journey’s a bit easier to obtain. “I have always known that I wanted to help others. If I am finding this information and having these results and transformations, I want to also provide that for others so that they don’t have to go through 10 plus years of constant research to do so,” she says.
Filling her store front with a variety of daily-use items sourced from natural makers like cooking utensils, dishware, clothing and bedding, Paulisich says customers can also go through her to purchase bigger items like mattresses. In addition, she also leads a variety of classes from making natural clothing to concocting nourishing bone broth and offers an individual membership plan—complete with research, video tutorials, product samping and community support—to help individuals make the transition to living more naturally.
317 Main St. S. Suite 4, Stillwater
651.214.2040; toxyfreepath.com
ToxyFree @toxyfree