If you ever feel down in the dumps, unmotivated or on the verge of a mid-life crisis, just change your look. Mark my words … changing your look can make you feel like a whole new person. It’s energizing. It’s liberating. It will put a spring in your step.
Try a new haircut. Find a hairstylist that can give a cut to enhance your face shape. Adding bangs, new face framing or changing your part can also be a great way to feel like a whole new person. Try a new hair color. Cool toned pale or dark skin can wear cool toned bleach blondes or cool toned dark colors. Warm toned pale or dark skin can wear warm tone blondes or warm toned dark colors. There is a lot more that goes into this discussion, but you get my drift. Sky is the limit. Try a little balayage just around the face. A little touch of brightness can spark new excitement in your life. For the guys, try a different fade, maybe a low and tight versus a high and tight. Grow (and maintain) an awesome beard. Grow out your hair. Change your part. Try a whole new style.
It’s fun! It will make you feel new and alive. It will give you the gumption to take on whatever your New Year’s resolutions may be. Cheers to another great year!
Contributed by Tasia Ashton, Two Redheads and a Wolf | TRW