Head to Hudson High School for Hudson’s longest running community event: the Halloween Day Parade. This year marks 69 years of the annual event, and Rotary Club of Hudson member Sam Cari has been assisting with the parade for at least 40 years.
“When I first started in Rotary, it was held at Plaza 94, our old shopping center … Sometimes it was at Lakefront Park in Hudson and the old Newton Field,” he says. “Now, most recently, it’s at the stadium at Hudson High School.”
The event includes goodie bags for the kids, a costume contest (with prizes for first, second and third places) and—of course!—the kids parade around the track. “Among my favorite parts of the event [is] seeing our kids dress up and participate many years ago, and now our grandkids do the same with their parents,” Cari says. “[And] handing out the treat bags to the kids.”
All ages. Each child is encouraged to bring one non-perishable grocery item. Sign up starts at 4:30 p.m., parade starts at 5:15 p.m. on October 14. Raider Stadium at Hudson High School, 1501 Vine St., Hudson, Wis.; hudsonrotaryclub.org.