Vintage Baseball: A Retro Look at America's Favorite Pastime

Immerse yourself in 1860s baseball through the St. Croix Vintage Baseball Club. Washington County Historical Society’s executive director Brent Peterson shares a little bit of what to expect.
First of all, none of the players wear gloves. The pitcher can only pitch underhand, and there are no called balls or strikes. A player is out when a ball is caught during a fly ball or after the first bounce. Although the rules might seem a little odd, watching the club wearing authentic 1860 baseball uniforms will really help pull together the experience.

Six clubs from the Twin Cities area and western Wisconsin will come together at the old athletic field in Stillwater for this event. The Vintage Baseball Club acts as an educational program for the public and has been around for 20 years.

St. Croix Vintage Baseball Exhibition
Free. 11 a.m. Old Athletic Field, Sixth Ave. S. and Burlington, Stillwater