I can easily recall the first houseplant I ever purchased. I was strolling the endless aisles at Ikea when I came across the plant section, filled to the brim with different cacti and succulents, bird of paradise trees and snake plants—but it was the small $5 aloe that caught my attention. The next thing I knew—and a few years later—I became a “plant parent” to several different plants: monstera deliciosa, philodendron hope selloum and philodendron mican, fiddle leaf fig and variegated pothos, to name a few.
I have propagated, fertilized, repotted and replanted; I have learned the terminology and the ins and outs of “plant parenthood,” if you will. Yet, I am still learning the feat that is gardening—I have yet to take on an outside garden, I haven’t planted herbs, fruits or vegetables, and don’t even get me started on growing my own flowers. This month, I asked flower expert Shelli Erck of Hudson Flower Shop about spring floral arrangements and how to create May Baskets—flip to page 14 for Erck’s favorite flowers, plus an Easter surprise.
Also in this issue of St. Croix Valley Magazine, we chat with Stillwater resident Nancy Eike—she’s also the talented writer who was an editor of one of our sister magazines, White Bear Lake Magazine. She’s since traded in due dates for décor and runs her own decorating business, The Festooned Farmhouse. Read more about Eike’s adventures on page 22.
What started as one houseplant has turned into 30 and counting; and though I hope to one day fill the backyard with blooming flowers, fruits and delicious vegetables, I’ll have to stick to watering my houseplants for now.
Show me your gardens and houseplants, readers! Tag us on Instagram or use the hashtag #StCroixValleyMagazine, and we’ll share your photos.
I’ll see you next month!
Hailey Almsted