Summer! That time of year when we celebrate a bit of what’s best in the St. Croix Valley. People often say, “What a difference a year makes.” But it feels like we’ve made it through so much more than a year. The amazing members of our St. Croix Valley communities pulled together to support friends, family, neighbors and local businesses in ways that are inspiring and memorable. In light of all we’ve been through, I can’t think of any better way to celebrate summer than to share the results of our annual Readers’ Choice survey with you, the people who voted for and continue to support all of your favorite local restaurants, retailers, home builders, service providers and more.
In addition, we’ve included a special feature in this issue spotlighting the area’s many arts and culture venues. Live theater has been particularly impacted by the plight of the pandemic. So, we want to showcase some of The Valley’s terrific talent in hopes that you’ll continue to show your support for local arts—a vital part of what makes this area so vibrant.
And, in a truly old-timey ode to summer, our Tastemaker feature, created by editorial intern Olivia Rivera and art director Allison Nolden, sends you on a treasure hunt! For tasty treasure that is. Flip to page 34 and start mapping your course through our Ice Cream Bingo challenge! Be sure to tag us on social media as you “pin some cherries on your Sundaes!” Ready, Set, Sweet, Sweet … Summer!
Angela Johnson