
This issue shines some light on a few of the great things folks are doing all around the valley. Kudos to you! It is our hope that our stories might resonate like the Japanese proverb that says, “One kind word can warm three winter months.”

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”—George Eliot

Education is top of mind this time of year. But so is the goal of clinging to what’s left of summer. We bring you the best of both in this issue of St. Croix Valley Magazine.

In ancient days, laurel wreaths were awarded to victors. We offer our version in this botanically themed special issue. Congratulations!

This issue is all about getting outdoors. Whether it’s on the river, on the golf course or on a local restaurant patio, we’ve got tons to love in here for all things open air.
