Summer is just around the corner and now is a perfect time to enjoy the beauty of the St. Croix Valley with everyone’s favorite treat. Nothing tastes quite like summer more than a classic cone on a warm day. Take a scenic drive along the river to check out a new spot or even take a hike to discover a hidden gem. There’re so many ways to enjoy your favorite flavors.
Sprinkle your summer with memories - Take a “sundae” to check out a new town with your family or take that special someone out on a sweet date. Whether you enjoy the classics like chocolate or something a little funky like glitter in your ice cream, there’s something for everyone with this universally loved desert. No need to chase down an ice cream truck, just tear out this bingo sheet and get the scoop on the best spots in the Valley!
... go!
Selma’s Ice Cream Parlor
3419 St. Croix Trail S., Afton; 651.436.5131; selmasicecream.square.site
Mabel’s Ice Cream
293 3rd St. N., Bayport; 612.571.3128; mabelsicecream.com
Knoke’s Chocolates and Nuts
220 Locust St., Hudson; 715.381.9866; knokeschocolatesandnuts.com
Cold Stone Creamery
1005 Pearson Drive, Hudson; 715.381.9899 coldstonecreamery.com
Nelson’s Ice Cream
920 Olive St. W., Sillwater; 651.430.1103; nelsonsicecream.biz
Barbara Anns Fudge Shoppe
317 Main St. S., Stillwater; 651.430.2071
Leo’s Grill & Malt Shop
131 Main St. S., Stillwater; 651.351.3943; leosgrill.com
MN Nice Cream
308 Chestnut St. E., Stillwater; 612.259.7053; mnnicecream.com
Schoony’s Malt Shop and Pizzeria
384 Bench St., Taylors Falls; 651.465.3222
Anderson’s Ice Cream Shoppe
12710 Lake Blvd., Lindstrom; 651.401.5394; andersonsicecreamshoppe.com
The General Scoop
101 Judd St., Marine on St. Croix; 651.433.0137
Valley Sweets
133 N. Washington St., St Croix Falls; 715.483.7111; valleysweets.com
Marine General Store
101 Judd St., Marine on St. Croix; 651.433.2445; marinegeneralstore.com
Schoolhouse Scoop
919 Vermillion St. #120, Hastings; 651.437.2900
Dairy Queen
1600 Frontage Road W., Stillwater; 651.351.2850; dqstillwater.com
CannonBelles Coffee & Ice Cream
402 Mill St. W., Cannon Falls; 607.767.1155; cannonbelles.com
Mei Mei's Cookies & Creamery LLC
113 E. Elm St., River Falls; 715.629.2100; meimeiscookies.square.site
The Twisted Oak Coffee House
202 Broad St., Prescott; twistedoakcoffee.com
Nita Mae's Scoop
101 Judd St., Marine on St. Croix; 651.433.0137; nitamaes.com
Red Wing Confectionery
323 Main S.t, Red Wing; 651.388.0174; redwingconfectionery.com
Stockholm Pie and General Store
N2030 Spring St., Stockholm; 715.442.5505; stockholmpieandgeneralstore.com
Sweet Snap
Take a selfie with your game card, or snap a photo of your favorite bakery goodie. Tag us on Instagram (@stcroixvalleymag) for a chance to be featured.