Trends for 2021 will feature naturally inspired products. Part of that means bees will be all the buzz this year.
Honeycomb shaped tiles look great on a kitchen backsplash.
Keep baking pans and sheets looking good as new by buffing beeswax onto the surfaces. Cook with the pans as normal. Over time, your pans will develop a permanent layer of wax, meaning you don’t have to oil or grease them every time you use them.
For stuck zippers, rub a small piece of beeswax along the zipper’s teeth to create an easy slide.
You can rub a bit of beeswax onto chapped winter lips. Some versions provide a natural SPF.
Waterproof shoes with beeswax. Simply clean to remove dirt and then rub beeswax directly on shoes with a cloth and use a blow-dryer to melt the wax before rubbing away any excess wax with a towel.
You can find natural and local (Kinnickinnic Bees) beeswax bars at Smith + Trade Mercantile in Stillwater, Minn.
—Contributed by Kelli Kaufer, interior designer/owner of Kelli Kaufer Designs;